Accountability & Assessment


Non-Public and Home Study Spring 2025 LEAP Grades 3-8 Test Registration

To register a child enrolled in non-public school or home study (grades 3-8) to take the spring LEAP test in Bossier Schools, access the link below and complete the registration form.  The deadline to register is March 25, 2025. 

Testing Fees:

  • Students enrolled in a BESE approved home study program are not required to pay a fee for testing.

  • Students enrolled in a non-public school are required to pay $35 per content area. For example, a student in grades 3-8 taking all 4 content area tests (English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies) would be assessed a $140 fee. Testing fees are non-refundable.

The registration form will not be considered complete until the following items have been received at the Bossier Educational Service Center - Accountability & Assessment Dept, 2900 Douglas Drive, Bossier City, LA 71111.  Assigned testing dates and further instructions will be provided after payment and all documentation is received.  

  • a money order made payable to Bossier Parish School Board in the amount of the acquired testing fees (see details above)

  • Self-addressed, stamped envelope for mailing of test records upon release

  • Recent grade transcript, report card, or letter from the school verifying the current grade placement of the student

  • Official IEP or IAP documentation for test accommodations, if applicable

  • Copy of home study approval letter from Louisiana Dept of Education, if enrolled in a home study program

Registration Form: Non-Public and Home Study Spring 2025 LEAP Grades 3-8 Test Registration  

Assessment Calendar

The Louisiana Department of Education assessment calendars reflect the required testing windows for all state-mandated assessments.  Contact your child's school for specific testing dates.

LDOE 2024-2025 Assessment Calendar

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