Welcome to Kingston Elementary
Welcome to Kingston Elementary
Kingston Teachers LEADing the Way!

Not all heroes wear capes! Tammy Reyna was honored by the Bossier Chamber of Commerce at the Community Heroes awards ceremony for the contributions she has made in education.

Kingston is excited to be the home of two Optimist Club Grant winners: Mrs. Williams (3rd grade) and Mrs. Patterson (2nd grade). Congratulations! #cubsLEAD

Mrs. Salter and Mrs. Lawson are leading the way to ensure ALL students can communicate. KES recently added Core Word communication boards to the playground equipment.
Kingston Cub News 5-13-24

Congratulations to Parker Spivey and Abigail Andrillon. They were selected as our 23-24 Yearbook Cover design winners!

Congratulations to Mrs. Caraway! She is our 24-25 Kingston Teacher of the Year!

Mrs. Cummings was selected as the 24-25 KES Support Staff of the Year! Congratulations!